Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Monster Mash Catches on in a Flash

Hear ye, hear ye! Paranormal enthusiasts of every shape, height, breed, and species, do I have a treat for you. On October 16th, 17th, and 18th, Loren Coleman, Jeff Belanger, and a host of others will be speaking about a number of different subjects involving paranormal incidents, cryptid encounters, and much, much more at the, "2009 Mass Mystery Weekend." Over the course of the three days that his goes on, different lecturers talk about a bunch of different things.
October 16th is the "UFO Show." This features a "lost" interview with Betty Hill to get the ball rolling and then they feature various guest speakers. The speakers will be Nick Redfern (UFO crashes and such), Peter Robbins (The Bentwaters UFO Incident), and John Horrigan (1942 Air Raid and Black Helicopters). There will also be a panel discussion on UFO's that will be hosted by Tim Binnall.
October 17th marks the, "Monster Mash." This is another series of guest speakers such as that lovable cryptozoologist, Loren Coleman (Abominable Snowman), Nick Redfern, again (Chupacabras), Jeff Belanger (White House Ghosts), and Chris Balzano (The Bridgewater Triangle).
October 18th, the final day of the event, is called the, "Mystery Tour." A bus that will be taking you on the tour leaves from Raynham Park in Raynham, MA. It will bring you nto a whole bunch of different places in the Bridgewater Triangle, such as haunted houses, UFO crash sites, and places where strange creatures have been spotted. There wil also be snacks, trivia, and more!
To buy your tickets, visit 2009 Mass Mystery Weekend. You can also go t0o this link for more info. It will be held at Hibernian Hall 151 Watertown St. in Watertown MA. 02471